We are passionate about finance, trying to give traders across the globe the best experience possible!
We’re not a MLM so you don’t have to recruit a single person. We don’t think you should pay thousands of
dollars just to learn how to day trade. Just come trying to understand day trading as we try and simplify
a hard industry as best as we can to you, and enjoy the experience inside!


Meet The CEO

Chris “Swaggy C” Williams started learning the Forex market 8 years ago as has been trading ever since! In Year 6, The Swag Academy was created to help educate others on the Forex market and entrepreneurship as a whole.

Swaggy never had a goal to start an educational course. After posting screenshots of his trading and his analysis on his social media, a lot of people started to DM him asking for clarity on what the market is and how to trade it.

Instead of helping each person on an individual basis, he created a program and a fun experience to try to simplify this hard industry as much as possible to those that wanted to learn!

While the numbers show us that The Swag Academy is the #1 best educational Forex content on YouTube, we believe that we BY FAR have the best online program for you as well to further enhance your knowledge. We are proud to have this program!


We do not have a “secret” method.  No strategy works 100% of the time. We do not have an automated algorithm/bot that trades for you. I, Swaggy C, am a Certified Financial Educator Instructor registered with the NFEC and my goal is to teach those that are interested in learning more about day trading, about it! I genuinely have a passion for this industry and I’m hoping to influence every single person within my program in some capacity; even if it’s just by 1%. The Swag Academy has an awesome experience inside for everyone!


Down below is the amazing team that makes this experience complete! Without their consistent help, this program wouldn’t be where it is today!

Christopher Williams

Founder / CEO

Bayleigh Amethyst

Chief Operating Officer

Dominique Lucca

Creative Director

Nilaja Wyatt

Director of Operations

Connor McCullough

Head Videographer

Cere Summers

Director of Client Success

Eduardo Teixeira

Graphic Designer


Operations Assistant


50% Complete

Two Step

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